Saturday, May 23, 2009

The always entertaining Claire McCaskill 5/23/2009

You know, Claire McCaskill is a never ending bundle of fun. Why? Because it's hard to believe that anyone can say the dumb things she says and never get called on it. See McCaskill play both sides of the Guantanamo Bay issue. She voted against the funding but that was as she said "I think it is more of an indication that the planning process is taking longer than anticipated." No Claire, you like your role as Obama's lap dog and you knew if you voted for this funding that Missouri would not like that. You were protecting your political behind. Way too lead Claire!

While we are on the topic of Claire I received a fun Tweet from her the other day and thought I would share with you. "Every single day, during every single sportng event, there're ongoing human tragedies,despair,&strife.I still think it's ok to enjoy sports. [sic]" I think it's okay to keep Guantanamo open to prevent further American human despair, but hey that's okay I guess we should just forget about the 3,000 people that died on 9/11. But you see Claire disagrees with you and me because as she said "We will close Gitmo, We must keep America safe & shut down terrorist recruiting tool. We have to plan & do it right, just not as quickly." Hmmm… I'll let you decide.

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