Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happenings in healthcare at the state level

There is a debate at the state level about the future of Medicaid recipients. It looks like our state representative, Doug Ervin, is right at the center of it. Check out this article out of the Springfield, Missouri News-Leader:

Lawmakers debate expanding healthcare coverage

I say no! No more expansion of socialized medicine. No on HB 11. It really is too bad that there are those that can't provide their own healthcare, but it is not my responsibility to take care of them. They had a free education for 13 years out of their life and the fact that they couldn't figure out they were going to be adults with adult responsibilities is not my fault.

I also say no to something else the article is talking about. Mr. Ervin wants to expand the role of the state for those that cannot get healthcare because of the nature of their condition. Once again, this is not my burden either. There is one guarantee in life, it's death. I am not going to prolong yours. I know the argument, don' waste your time on it if you wish. I would feel the same if it was me, my wife, or my siblings. I have fully accepted the fact that I might not be here tomorrow and if I don't take care of myself properly, I will not be here.

The problem is that the insurance companies are not stupid. If you provide for them a vessel to remove customers from their books because you want to pay for it, they are going to continue to deem more and more people uninsurable and put them on the public's shoulders. Healthcare is a personal responsibility.


  1. JohnBurnettKC twitters: HB 11 fails 75-85. 3 Rs jump ship. Now sending it back to conference. The Rs have a party planned this evening. LeVota asks to reconsider

    joliejustus twitters: Missouri Republicans just orchestrated the denial of health coverage to 35,000 Missourians. Kudos to the 4 Rs who did the right thing.


    Adjourned until tomorrow. Fight for health coverage is not over.

  2. Thanks for the update Bryan!
