Sunday, May 31, 2009
Reflections on Memorial Day and Congressman Sam Graves latest Straight Talk
Below you will find the most recent Straight Talk with Sam Graves.
Remember to Thank a Veteran
Americans pause this week as we observe Memorial Day. No doubt many Americans will take advantage of the holiday to enjoy the outdoors. Some will attend cookouts with their neighbors; others will use the long weekend to visit family and friends. Americans work hard and they will no doubt enjoy a little extra time to spend with friends and family.
Memorial Day though is not simply a day to take it easy. The holiday began after the Civil War as a way to honor soldiers who had given their life in order to maintain our Union. Since then it has been expanded to include the veterans of all wars and conflicts. It is a day to pause and remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Even today, brave young men and women are standing watch far from home. They are helping to protect the freedoms that we enjoy today. From the Civil War to today, our professional and citizen soldiers have always answered the call of duty.
Not every soldier who serves this country participates in an epic battle. Every major victory though is made possible by soldiers who are simply doing their job. No matter what battle they fought in, I believe we need to keep our commitment to all veterans.
As Americans we have a duty to remember and care for all of those who served this country and carried the banner of freedom. I hope that you will join me in pausing to remember all of those that have served and sacrificed for this great country.
Sam Graves
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What Chrysler dealerships do you close, well, those that didn't donate to Obama of course!
Update: It is important to note that a disproportionate amount of car dealers donate to Republican campaigns. I hate Keith Olberman but he made a good point of this tonight on his WTF! moment. You can watch it on the MSNBC website. It's something like 10 to 1 the amount of dealerships that donate to Republicans versus those that donate to Democrats. Logic would dictate that more Republican donating dealerships would be closed.
Judge Sonia Sotomayor and more McCaskill ignorance
I found this part of the Malkin column the most intriguing. McCaskill was on Fox News the other morning to talk about Sonia Sotomayor. For those that are not following this closely Sotomayor has made one comment that really has people upset, me included. She said in a 2001 statement at UC-Berkeley: ""I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
I am not quite sure what exactly that is supposed to mean, but your ethnic heritage is not necessarily going to qualify you to make any sort of wise decision. If you really want to analyze the reality of this statement further, I would be even more fearful of any judge that wears their ethnicity on their sleeve as a qualification to make any sort of decision. Those that have been paying attention the last thirty years realize that minorities in this society are repetitively told that they cannot get ahead and the only way that they can get ahead is if they support those on the left who are going to level the playing field for them. Look no playing field is perfectly level in any culture around the world. It just doesn't work that way. I am not saying as rational human beings we shouldn't work to make things more equal. Turning those that trully need help into helpless victims who can't escape because the color of their skin is worse than any intentional racist behavior. It's manipulative, it's psychological, and it creates more harm.
McCaskill, never one to disappoint came through in usual flying colors on this one. I had often suspected that there was more to this comment and low and behold there is. According to McCaskill the statement is out of context. For those less attentive, anytime a liberal is lying or trying to spin something they bring out the context defense. To the average person this makes sense because politics is often a game of taking things out of context. I don't think liberals ever learned the concept of context in grade school and middle school. Oh, so, what's the context you ask?
Here is your context: "Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice [Sandra Day] O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases.... I am... not so sure that I agree with the statement. First... there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
Her words prove that she is incapable of impartial jurisprudence. Law is not gendered or colored, it's law. If you can't look past your own racial views then you do not deserve to dawn a robe in a county court, forget the Supreme Court. The human mind is capable of using logic and ignoring race. It's really not that hard.
You do realize her words stereotype white males into an inability to make fair and impartial decisions. I am severely offended by that statement. She has no right to make comments like this. A judge must be capable of understanding all perspectives but knowing that his/her decision boils down to the law and a fair treatment of all races and genders before that law.
In the same speech she went even further to say that for judges to be impartial is an "aspiration because it denies the fact that we are by our experiences making different choices than others." (Stuart Taylor, National Journal, 5/23/2009). An aspiration, why in the world even have the damn law! If you can't determine what the law is because of your own racial background you really are feeble minded.
Judges should not be empathetic, that's not their job. That's what we have lawyers for. Mr. Obama has further demonstrated his willingness to cast this society in his image in what he wants to see. Are you shocked? Let us not forget that this man sat in a church of 20 years where a racist pastor, Jeremiah Wright, spewed racial hatred to his parishioners. Racial hatred that was intentionally directed at whites and the United States government. Mr. Obama was never fit to be President of this nation and he is proving his ineptness on a daily basis. It's no wonder that Ms. McCaskill makes a good little lap dog for this administration.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Local Representatives in the News 5/25/09
Tim Flook: Article on end of session stuff. Apparently the Fair Tax failed but at least it was brought up. It appears we had a fair amount of spending approved in this session.
McCaskill and Bond: Who would have thought that a day would come when two sitting US Senators would have to ask a car czar about what car dealerships they would be closing in their state? There is something seriously wrong with this.
McCaskill: McCaskill has a website on how organizations can get some stimulus action. Let me get this straight, a US Senator is going to train people how to get the money back that was wrongfully stolen from them and future generations. Something really wrong with this too!
2010 Senate Race: A storm is a brewin'. I can't really say that I am impressed much with Roy Blunt or Tom Schweich. From what I hear Sarah Steelman is not quite ready to be Senator. It seems the Republicans may lose both state seats at the rate we are going in 2010.
Sam Graves: Congressman Graves will co-chair the rural solutions group.
Claire McCaskill: Read about Cruella de Vil, I mean, Senator McCaskill and her tweeting habit.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Socialism in action
If you voted for Barack Obama and his thugs, this is your responsibility, this is your crime, and I hope for a minute you have the capacity to sit back and consider your actions. Your hope and your change are destroying what was great about this nation. This letter below checks out. George C. Joseph is (soon to be was) the Owner of Sunshine Dodge (page 36 of this PDF document that lists dealership closings). The letter was posted to American Thinker on May 19, 2009. The mess that is being created right now is just the beginning of something larger. You know the idiots in control right now kind of remind me of high school students. For various reasons high school kids seem to think they know everything about the world and just have to say something for it to be true. The problem is reality is what it is and you cannot change that fact. Capitalism is the only truly successful and just form of economic orientation and the more we stray from that the more problems we will have in this society.
We never should have bailed any of these companies out but thugs like Timothy Geithner and Hank Paulson encouraged it. Now we have government hands in private business. Chrysler could have declared bankruptcy on its own. Mr. Joseph has run a successful dealership and he could have figured out how to survive. That's how capitalism works. Many people in this country were never taught it and for some reason they think that government is the answer to protect them from the alleged "evil" of capitalism. That protection is working out real well for the families who depended on income from this Dodge dealership, isn't it? It is imperative you wake up and realize that the reason companies like Chrysler are failing is primarily because of an involvement of government and organized labor. Organized labor and the democrats are tied at the hip. Are you now surprised that the UAW owns 55% of a restructured Chrysler? This is not a coincidence. Organized labor has no business having a controlling interest in the companies that they work for.
Letter from a Dodge dealer
- letter to the editor of American Thinker magazine, May 22, 2009 edition
My name is George C. Joseph. I am the sole owner of Sunshine Dodge-Isuzu, a family owned and operated business in Melbourne, Florida. My family bought and paid for this automobile franchise 35 years ago in 1974. I am the second generation to manage this business.
We currently employ 50+ people and before the economic slowdown we employed over 70 local people. We are active in the community and the local chamber of commerce. We deal with several dozen local vendors on a day to day basis and many more during a month. All depend on our business for part of their livelihood. We are financially strong with great respect in the market place and community. We have strong local presence and stability.
I work every day the store is open, nine to ten hours a day. I know most of our customers and all our employees. Sunshine Dodge is my life.
On Thursday, May 14, 2009 I was notified that my Dodge franchise, that we purchased, will be taken away from my family on June 9, 2009 without compensation and given to another dealer at no cost to them.
My new vehicle inventory consists of 125 vehicles with a financed balance of 3 million dollars. This inventory becomes impossible to sell with no factory incentives beyond June 9, 2009. Without the Dodge franchise we can no longer sell a new Dodge as "new," nor will we be able to do any warranty service work. Additionally, my Dodge parts inventory, (approximately $300,000.) is virtually worthless without the ability to perform warranty service. There is no offer from Chrysler to buy back the vehicles or parts inventory.
Our facility was recently totally renovated at Chrysler's insistence, incurring a multi-million dollar debt in the form of a mortgage at Sun Trust Bank.
This is beyond imagination! My business is being stolen from me through NO FAULT OF OUR OWN. We did NOTHING wrong.
This atrocity will most likely force my family into bankruptcy. This will also cause our 50+ employees to be unemployed. How will they provide for their families? This is a total economic disaster.
I beseech your help, and look forward to your reply. Thank you.
George C. Joseph
President & Owner
Sunshine Dodge-Isuzu
Monday, May 25, 2009
Clay County Pachyderms
I am really delayed on posting this! I should have gotten to it sooner. On Thursday May 15th I was able to go and meet with a group that wants to start a Pachyderm club here in Clay County. I was impressed with the 15 or so that showed up that night. Everyone there truly loves their country and sees the wrongs that are currently being perpetrated upon them. Most importantly they are ready to do something about it! The purpose of the Pachyderm club is kind of an informal meeting that is centered around a speaker and discussion on some particular issue or set of issues. Anyone in Clay County that wants to come out is welcome. We will be having a meeting on Thursday June 14th the time and place is TBA. I will post as soon as I know where. If you are interested in coming out please shoot me a line at
Straight Talk with Congressman Sam Graves 5/22/2009
Below is the most recent Straight Talk with Congressman Graves, this is his weekly email newsletter.
This Week in Washington-
Congress often likes to use the hurry up and wait approach to legislation. After having very little legislation on the floor for the entire month of May, there were a lot of bills on voted on this week.
Small Business Bill: On Wednesday, the House passed H.R. 2352, the Job Creation through Entrepreneurship Act by a strong bi-partisan vote of 406-15. The bill expands programs like Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), Women's Business Centers (WBCs) and the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE). The bill also creates new support services for veteran-owned and Native American-owned small businesses. In addition, new online learning programs are included in the bill to assist entrepreneurs in rural regions and underserved communities. Finally, it creates a grant program for SBDCs designed to assist small firms in securing capital and credit.
Defense Procurement: On Thursday, the House passed the conference report for S. 454, the Weapons Acquisition System Reform through Enhancing Technical Knowledge and Oversight Act of 2009. This was legislation authored by my Missouri colleague Ike Skelton and it passed unanimously. The conference report reforms the Department of Defense's weapons acquisition process and requires the President to nominate a senior official within DoD for cost assessment and program evaluation. The conference report also requires the Secretary to assign responsibility to independent officials within the Pentagon for oversight of developmental test and evaluation, systems engineering, and performance assessment.
FAA Reauthorization: On Thursday, the House passed H.R. 915, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2009 by a vote of 277-136. The bill would reauthorize Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding and safety oversight programs for four years with a total authorized spending level of $70 billion. The bill also increases the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) on airline flights from $4.50 to $7. I opposed this legislation because there were a number of provisions that I felt were bad public policy. The bill now goes to the Senate who will draft their own version.
Mortgage Fraud Bill: On Monday, the House passed S. 386, the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009, by a vote of 338-52. The bill broadens the coverage of current laws against financial crimes, including fraud affecting mortgages, securities, and federal assistance and relief programs. The bill also established a Congressional Financial Markets Commission to examine all causes, domestic and global, of the current financial and economic crisis. The bill was sent to the President and signed into law on Wednesday, May 20.
Mortgage Foreclosure Bill: The House passed an amended version S. 896, the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, by a vote of 367-54-1. The bill will make a number of changes to current law regarding federally insured mortgages, increase federal bank deposit insurance, and expand federal mortgage modification programs in an attempt to encourage home mortgage modifications. S. 896, as passed by the House and Senate did not contain a "cramdown" provision. The bill was also signed into law on Wednesday.
Credit Card Bill: The House passed H.R. 627, Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights Act, with Senate amendments. The bill prohibits a creditor from adjusting any annual percentage rate on preexisting balances, except in certain circumstances, requires increased disclosures, requires 45 days notice before interest rates are increased, and outlaws providing a credit card to an individual under the age of 21 without a cosigner. The bill also included a Senate amendment that protected second amendment rights on federal land by prohibiting a ban on the possession of a firearm in compliance with State law in a National Park. I supported the bill, which passed 361-64. The final bill now awaits the President's signature sometime on Friday.
Memorial Day Recess Events
Congress will be in recess next week for the Memorial Day recess. I will be in King City for a Memorial Day event on Sunday, several area cemeteries on Monday and in St. Joseph on Tuesday at the National Guard Armory for a Veterans' Expo event.
Enjoy the long weekend and remember to thank a veteran for their service this week.
Sam Graves
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Our representatives in the news 5/23/2009
This is an open letter that Sam Graves signed on to regarding the adverse effects of HR 2454 on farmers. If you don't know HR 2454 is the Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Bill. This ignorant legislation is dangerous and misguided. The science of global warming is still not fully understood and the sky is falling mentality of liberals, leftists, and global warming hacks should be received with caution. If you want to see food prices and everything else go up in this country then this is the bill for you!
This article discusses comments Mr. Graves made regarding the reauthorization of the Entrepreneurial Development Programs of the Small Business Administration.
Good ole' Claire McCaskill thinks we can safely house terrorists in our prisons. Yeah, we probably could house them but not safely. These are radicals and there are plenty of potential candidates in prison who could be radicalized. Good idea Claire!
It seems we have a substance abuse problem in the military too. I can't say that I am surprised. I will actually give McCaskill credit on this one. This does need addressed and it looks like she is trying to do something.
The always entertaining Claire McCaskill 5/23/2009
You know, Claire McCaskill is a never ending bundle of fun. Why? Because it's hard to believe that anyone can say the dumb things she says and never get called on it. See McCaskill play both sides of the Guantanamo Bay issue. She voted against the funding but that was as she said "I think it is more of an indication that the planning process is taking longer than anticipated." No Claire, you like your role as Obama's lap dog and you knew if you voted for this funding that Missouri would not like that. You were protecting your political behind. Way too lead Claire!
While we are on the topic of Claire I received a fun Tweet from her the other day and thought I would share with you. "Every single day, during every single sportng event, there're ongoing human tragedies,despair,&strife.I still think it's ok to enjoy sports. [sic]" I think it's okay to keep Guantanamo open to prevent further American human despair, but hey that's okay I guess we should just forget about the 3,000 people that died on 9/11. But you see Claire disagrees with you and me because as she said "We will close Gitmo, We must keep America safe & shut down terrorist recruiting tool. We have to plan & do it right, just not as quickly." Hmmm… I'll let you decide.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Doug Ervin Capitol Connection 5/20/2009
Below you will find the most recent Capitol Connection from Doug Ervin. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Ervin Tuesday because he came and spoke to my wife's fifth grade classroom. Mr. Ervin took several minutes of his time to speak to me after he spoke to the kids. Mr. Ervin is concerned like much of the rest of us about the future of this nation, especially the actions of the Federal government. He mentioned as well the healthcare debate at the state level. Apparently many Republicans in the Senate were frothing at the mouth over the stimulus money and were willing to accept the Governors Medicaid plan to get it. We have to be really careful next year in the 2010 elections. All Republicans are not fiscal conservatives, and if they are not, they do not deserve to be in the Missouri Senate, or any other elected office for that matter. This nation needs to become fiscally responsible immediately and if the current elected officials refuse to join us, well, throw the bums out!
Capitol Connection
May 20, 2009
A Day of Remembrance
Memorial Day, a day set aside for remembering those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of Liberty, not just any liberty, but our Liberty, the Liberty that binds us together as a Nation.
What began from many different quarters by decorating the graves of Confederate dead in the 1860's has grown to an annual remembrance by the 1200 soldiers of the 3rd US Infantry decorating each of the 260,000 gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery with a small US flag and then patrolling the grounds 24 hours a day during the Memorial Day weekend to make sure that each flag remains standing.
Closer to home in St. Louis, the Boy Scouts of America and the Cub Scouts place flags on the 150,000 graves at the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery as an annual Good Turn, a practice that began in 1951 and continues to this day.
While many towns and cities pay tribute each year with speeches, parades, and fireworks, for many the "Memorial" in Memorial Day has been either ignored or forgotten. We are the beneficiaries of the sacrifices made by the soldiers, sailors, and airmen of yesterday and today.
Last year, I remember hearing on the radio a former Green Beret say that warriors exist to protect women and children – what a simple, yet significant statement. For those who do not come back from their mission, we cannot forget the charge mentioned by General John Logan in his General Order No. 11 on May 5th, 1868:
...gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime...let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation's gratitude, - the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan.
We can observe Memorial Day as it should be observed, as a day where we actively remember our forefathers, family members, loved ones, and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice:
By visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.
By visiting memorials.
By flying the US Flag at half-staff until noon.
By flying the "POW/MIA Flag (Section 1082 of the 1998 Defense Authorization Act).
By participating in a "National Moment of Remembrance": at 3 p.m. to pause and think upon the true meaning of the day, and for Taps to be played.
By renewing a pledge to aid the widows, widowers, and orphans of our fallen dead, and to aid the disabled veterans.
On this Memorial Day, let us not forget, as Moina Michael writes in reply to John McCrae's "In Flanders Fields":
We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies
May God bless our men and women in uniform on missions throughout the world serving on our behalf and may He comfort those whose loss runs deep that we should always remember that the "blood of heroes never dies".
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Our Representatives in the news 5/21/2009
A few articles below are of interest to us Clay Countians.
Sam Graves: REALLY IMPORTANT!!! It's here! Cap and Trade has officially been introduced into Congress. HR 2454, the bill has been sent to committee. This article discusses the response from agriculture, this is the industry among many (not to mention you and I) that will be hurt the most.
Claire McCaskill:
Article on the new credit card bill.
Kit Bond: Bond and his homeless bill.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Straight Talk with Congressman Graves 5/18/2009
Below is the most recent Straight Talk with Sam.
Keep Terrorists in Cuba
The United States' economy is the largest in the world. We are a large exporter of some goods like agriculture and a large importer of other products like petroleum. Nations import the products and goods they need, not products and goods that others do not want. That is why I oppose importing terrorists to our shores from Guantanamo Bay.
Since 2001, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has been home to a military prison for enemy combatants of the United States. It is heavily fortified, surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and over a hundred miles from the United States' shore. However, the administration would now like to close that facility and possibly bring those held there onto U.S. soil. Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas has been mentioned as an option.
I think that is a bad idea. The Guantanamo Bay prison holds some of the world's most dangerous terrorists from across the globe. They have threatened Americans, and in some instances, they have killed Americans. Having terrorists held so close to Americans would pose a significant risk if they were to escape or if the prison were to become a target for other terrorists.
I have signed onto H.R. 2294, the Keep Terrorists Out of America Act. I am confident our military can safeguard these terrorists in America if given the order. However, Guantanamo Bay is the best place for those terrorists, and I see no reason to move them from that facility.
Terrorists' intent on harming the United States and our allies should not be imported into American communities by our own government.
Sam Graves
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Bob Nance Capitol Report May 15th
“Government does not have a revenue problem; government has a spending problem. Government does not have a revenue problem; government has a priority problem. It is time that we begin to fine tune our focus and decide what the priority of government ought to be.” Marsha Blackburn At the Capitol
A spending plan for the federal stimulus money the state will be receiving was passed Thursday. Some of the projects slated to receive stimulus funds include:
• Nearly $112 million for a statewide communications system for law enforcement.
• $31.2 million for Ellis Fischel Cancer Center in Columbia.
• $12 million for St. Louis METRO to restore routes cut at the end of March.
• $12 million to the Department of Economic Development for construction upgrades to facilities that focus on the development of markets for Missouri products.
• Among other significant items, the bill would provide $18 million for repairs at community colleges; $10 million for a Jefferson City highway interchange leading to the site of an old state prison being redeveloped for a new federal courthouse; and $9.3 million for construction at the Bellefontaine Habilitation Center for the developmentally disabled in St. Louis.
The following bills were truly agreed and passed:
HB 82, which authorizes an individual income tax deduction for 15% of any military retirement income which increases by 15% annually until 2016 when it is fully phased in.
HB111, which allows unclaimed cremated remains of veterans to be collected by a veterans’ service organization for the purpose of internment under certain circumstances.
HB236, which establishes Kaitlyn’s Law. This law requires school districts to allow certain students with disabilities to participate in graduation ceremonies after four years of high school attendance.
SCS/HCS/HB 580 - This act creates the Line of Duty Compensation Act which provides additional workers’ compensation benefits in the amount of $25,000 for firefighters, law enforcement officers, air ambulance pilots, air ambulance registered professional nurses, and emergency medical technicians who are killed in the line of duty.
SCS/HB 83 - This act specifies that any use of travel club membership benefits during the three-day rescission period of the membership contract will not effectively waive the member's right to rescind the contract. Under this act, a travel club must provide information in its registration statement with the attorney general demonstrating that it possesses at least $250,000 dollars of liquid assets in certain forms. Such requirement is also required with the renewal registration.
This is the last week of session. We typically hear many bills with amendments (relating to bills we have previously heard). The legislator’s intent is put his/her amendments on as many bills as possible so his/her legislation will pass in the form of an amendment to another bill.
I will send out an end of session report in the near future.
Students from Hardin-Central visited the Capitol with Nancy Herring and Claudia Spooner. They were eye witnesses to a power outage that cause the House to work in the dark. Two verbal roll calls were observed as the Legislature realized what our predecessors went through before electronic voting (installed in 1947).
Monday, May 18, 2009
Claire McCaskill...a bunch of cookies...and 20 pounds??
Anyway, Claire McCaskill said at MSU's College of Business graduation ceremony that when she lost the Governor's race in 2004 it was devastating. Because of her devastation, she stayed on the couch, ate chocolate chip cookies, and gained 20 pounds. No, really, that's what she said.
This woman is our United States Senator? It was a political defeat. She didn't get dumped by her middle school crush. To take it one step further why in the world is this woman speaking to a graduating class of business students. According to her own biography on her Senate website she has never managed a business in her life.
Why am I bringing all this up? I think it taps into a sickness that we have in this country. We are fascinated with position, title, and college degree but we don't ever expect people to really be qualified for anything anymore. Life experience doesn't mean squat. I was a middle level manager at Target in my last job. My last boss there, 22, straight out of college and no experience. This was the rule not the exception at Target. Inside their stores they have what are called Executive Team Leaders, basically assistant store managers, you must have a college degree. Take a person that has worked at Target for 10+ years at the next level down on the totem pole, no college degree, absolutely no chance of promotion. This is the norm for many other companies. Look at our President! What has he done, c'mon someone tell me. Oh, yeah, community organizer, lawyer, professor, state Senator, Senator, President. Tell me where in their he actually did anything.
Take it one step further. This country is full of weak people, not all of us, but a fair amount. Sorry if that offends you, but it's the truth. We are a nation that is plagued by low self-esteem and we continuously self medicate with food, booze, drugs, and junk. I was guilty of this until I finally woke up. Why are we in this financial mess right now? People who had accomplished little were able and encouraged to purchase homes that they couldn't afford by politicians. Yes, the bankers were told to satisfy these people. The bankers were weak, in and of the fact that they never stood up to the clowns in Washington and told them no. Why was Obama elected President? Because he talks and sounds just like what people want to be. Confident, charismatic, and intelligent. Why do you think that commentators like Chris Matthews get warm fuzzy feelings in their legs when they hear him speak?
Claire you lost a Governor's race. You decided to sit on a couch, suck your thumb, and shovel saturated fat down your throat until you felt better? What is wrong with this nation? I am a true believer in the fact that that governments and leaders reflect the people and the people reflect reflect their government. We better wake up soon! This nonsense has to end.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Our local House representatives in the news 5/17/2009

In breaking news, to celebrate all that our legislators did: Free cake in the Governor's office. Not really guess they were just happy to be done. (Picture Christian Gooden/P-D)
Doug Ervin: As of Friday we have been saved from the Democrats obligating us to 35,000 uninsured Missourians and the Republicans obligating us to 20,000 that cannot get health care because of preexisting conditions. The 2009 legislative session has ended.
Ryan Silvey: Watch as the lawmakers cry about not getting their part of the stimulus pie.
Tim Flook: End of session wrap-up.
Great article on the end of session legislation that passed both House and Senate
"Invest in Missouri" bill passes both house and senate and await the signature of the mayor.
Jobs bill passes the House and Senate, supposedly to "create" 2,000-5,000 jobs here in the state. I always worry when both parties are in such large agreement and we are proclaiming jobs created before their even created.
Funk's Front Porch 5/15/2009
Dear Folks,
This Week’s City BusinessThe Mayor spent the large majority of his week with leaders in the community that he’s chosen to help him work on his next two major initiatives: education and public safety. The Mayor’s strategy with his initiatives is to find others who have similar beliefs and values, coupled with a deep interest in the areas that he’s moving forward and then enlist their help in carrying out his vision for the City. The beauty of doing things this way is that you get a diverse creative energy coming together and this typically brings a higher level of change. The Mayor is putting this cooperative approach to work on behalf of his residents in the areas of public safety and education. Stay tuned for more information as these initiatives come together.
The town hall meetings continue on an almost weekly basis. The Mayor appeared on Hot 103 Jamz to do a broadcast town hall meeting, with people calling in with their questions. Then he did a traditional town hall meeting at the new Southeast Community Center. Citizens in Kansas City are still quite mad about conditions for regular folks, but they usually feel better just from being heard by their Mayor at these meetings. Things will get better for them in this city. It has to. If the Mayor keeps focusing his attention and working on the problems as he is, change for the better will come. The Mayor intends to keep up the good fight and to fulfill the promises that he made to his voters.
The Mayor testified at Finance and Audit this week on behalf of the low income and homeless children that are being served at Operation Breakthrough. Sister Burta’s organization is so crucial to so many Kansas City families, and she is the only provider of daycare for the children of homeless families. The City budget does not include money for Operation Breakthrough, but the Mayor is working with Councilwoman Sharon Sanders Brooks and other council members to find funding. The Mayor feels that children come first and in a budget of more than one billion dollars, surely the City can find 200k for homeless children.
The Mayor spoke at the Kansas City Convention and Visitor’s Association Annual Tourism Celebration this week to promote tourism in Kansas City. With the recession, people are staying closer to home. If you’re within a 10-hour drive, what better place to come to than Kansas City?
On a More Personal Note
Our children are home and the dance to balance time between a job that never ends and giving them their fair share of their father ensues again. But it’s all good. Luckily, Funk is used to going on very little sleep, so late nights on the porch are our time to be together as a family.
The Mayor’s Public Appearances – Beginning May 16, 2009
Saturday 12:00 p.m. Northeast Summer Safety Extravaganza Northeast Branch Library 6000 Wilson Rd
4:45 p.m. Haitian Flag Day Cultural Celebration Gem Theater 1616 E 18th St.
Monday 4:00 p.m. Kansas City Chamber Board Meeting 911 Main, Suite 2600
5:00 p.m. Shanin and Parks 980 KMBZ
Tuesday 3:30 p.m. A City that Works Weekly Public Meeting, 414 E. 12th St. 10th Floor
Thursday 1:30 p.m. Council Business Session, 414 E. 12th St. 10th Floor
3:00 p.m. Council Legislative Session 414 E. 12th St., 26th Floor
7:00 p.m. First Thursday Republican Club St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 100 E. Red Bridge Rd
Friday 11:30 a.m. Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City's Annual Awards Luncheon Kansas City Club, 918 Baltimore
The Next Town Hall Meetings
When: May 20, 6:30 p.m. Where: TBD (check website) Host: TBD (check website)
When: June 17, 6:30 p.m. Where: 148 N Topping Who: Mattie Rhodes
In faith,
Gloria & Mark
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The Mayor’s top ten priorities:
1. Establishing a good working relationship with the Council
2. Getting the City’s finances in order
3. Making downtown work
4. Tending to our neighborhoods
5. Implementing the Housing Policy task force recommendations
6. Improving the perception and the reality of public education in Kansas City
7. Reducing Crime
8. Repairing our sewer systems
9. Establishing an excellent regional transit system, which includes light rail
10. Improving citizen satisfaction with City services
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Lesson learned in a Lowe's parking lot, or, how our tax code works...or should I say doesn't
As we were leaving we ran into some old friends who I used to work with at Target. You see they worked there as a part time job for extra money. The usual small talk ensued and after a couple of minutes I found out that one of them, the husband, no longer worked at Target. The reason you ask, the US tax code. Yes, that's why! You see he made too much money last year and jumped into a different tax bracket. It was no longer reasonable for him to work his regular job and then put in another 20 hours somewhere else. Why? Because too much of his money is being stolen by the federal government. Instead of wasting 20 hours of his life a week furthering your altruistic methods, he decided to actually make less, and pay less taxes.
Hey Mr./Mrs. liberal (moderate Republican, too)! Do you get this yet? You are killing this country with your spending and your taxes. The spending you are authorizing right now will translate into taxes for me, my kids, and every other hard working American in this country. You claim to care about people but you don't realize just how little respect you actually have for others.
Sam Graves-This Week in Washington-May 14th, 2009
It was another week with very few votes on the floor.
H.R. 2187 - 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act – his legislation would direct the Secretary of Education to make grants to state educational agencies for the modernization, renovation or repair of public school facilities. The Congressional Budget
Office estimates that H.R. 2187 would spend $20 billion in school construction funds over the next five years.
Just two months ago, Congress passed the stimulus bill which provided billions for the greening” of school buildings. Those funds have not been spent yet and still Congress is already trying to spend more. We need to take a breath before we spend billions more that we do not have.
Currently, the federal government is borrowing roughly 50 cents for every dollar it spends, and this year alone Washington will spend approximately $2 trillion more than it collects from the American taxpayer. We do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.
H.R. 2346 - Fiscal Year 2009 War Supplemental Appropriations Bill – This bill funds our military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan for the rest of the fiscal year. It is important for our troops to have the tools they need to battle terrorists.
I supported the bill, but I’m hopeful that it will come back to the House without the unrelated spending that has been dumped into it. We should not turn a bill that is designed to fund our
troops into an omnibus spending bill. There is plenty of time to debate each of those programs on their own merits.
I joined with Rep. Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota this week to introduce the Rural Education
Achievement Program reauthorization. The federal program was created as a part of the No Child Left Behind law and is the only program designed to help rural school districts overcome the increased expenses caused by geographic distance.
REAP helps rural school districts that lack the resources to apply for federal competitive grants and do not have access to large amounts of funding due to small populations. Federal grant funding helps schools to more effectively meet the unique challenges posed by educating students in rural areas.
The quality of our children’s education should not be defined by where they live. Programs like
REAP ensure that all students have the same opportunities to succeed in life. This is bi-partisan legislation that I hope the House will consider this year.
The Small Business Committee held several different hearings this week. The struggle of auto companies has far reaching effects, including the small firms that supply automakers.
Auto parts manufacturers are the number one employer in U.S. manufacturing. According to data from the Center for Automotive Research, suppliers contribute over $388 billion to the U.S. economy and are responsible for over 3.29 million direct and indirect jobs.
A subcommittee heard testimony from small businesses that have to contend daily with the confusing and often contradictory rules of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. Small manufacturers are forced to pay for the testing of products they purchase or risk selling products that do not conform to the standards established by CPSIA. Limiting the amount of lead that our children are subjected too is good policy. However, common sense says that the law needs to be clearer and equally applied.
On Tuesday, May 26th, I will be hosting a Veterans' Expo at the Missouri National Guard armory in St. Joseph. At the expo will be organizations that serve veterans. Colonel Jack Jackson will be the keynote speaker and we will also have a question and answer session. It will run from 2-5 p.m. If you'd like to attend, please contact Shawna Searcy at 816-792-3976 or email her at will be back in session next week.
Sam Graves
Friday, May 15, 2009
Votes for sale!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Trent Skaggs D-31
So, I emailed all of the state House representatives the other night asking if they had a newsletter. Admittedly the response was low. Rep. Ervin R-35 is very responsive. I actually got a response out of Trent Skaggs D-31. We had a profound conversation it went like this:
Me: I am in Doug Ervin's district but I have started a blog for Clay County politics. I am trying to make it a central source for people to go to get information about what is going on in Clay County. If you have a newsletter please add me. Link to the blog is in the address line of this email.
Rep. Skaggs: I do not have a newsletter. Thanks (Sent from his iPhone)
Hmmm... Man of many words I guess. I thought I would give him a second chance.
Me: If people want to be informed in your district about things that you are doing how do they accomplish this?
Rep. Skaggs: I send out info on how to reach me on various topics. (Sent from his iPhone)
Now, one could say that I might be some crazy absorbed blogger and that he doesn't need to respond. But that isn't true, and, isn't the problem in politics today a lack of communication between our representatives and us. We hired you, not the other way around. If someone whose life you affect with your decisions emails you with an honest and respectful attempt to gather information maybe you ought to send more than one line from your iPhone and sit down and write a real response. How about, thanks Andrew for trying to promote political involvement in your county. I am asking too much I guess.
Maybe someone needs to remind Mr. Skaggs that he is the only Democrat in a Republican county. Now in fairness I am not trying to play pick on the Democrat here because none of the other Republicans have responded at all which does concern me as well. I am going to try again with them here in the next week.
While we're on the subject of Mr. Skaggs, he was apparently offended by some comments made on the house floor by Rep. Schaaf-St. Joseph. Rep. Schaaf compared Medicaid to slavery. Well, it is, financial slavery. Sorry you got so offended and wanted to play semantics after an argument. I don't even think that Mr. Schaaf should have apologized, just clarified what he meant. This is another topic for another time.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Update on health care at the state level
Dear Andrew,
The bill I mentioned earlier [SB306] was up last night. I was the bill handler and it was my language. The Republican caucus voted to strip the transparency language out of the bill making it just another welfare bill. I ended up voting “NO” on my own bill. This bill is expected to go to conference. At this time, there is not a conference position that I can envision supporting. The HB11 language is clear, unless SB306 passes the monies aren’t spent. We’ll see if SB306 will get to the finish line.
It would be wise to encourage our state Senators to vote no on SB306.
Think you own your retirement accounts? Not if the unions have anything to say about it....
The fascinating thing to me is that the Dems and Obama want to actually create more socialized medicine. Why? Because the existing socialized medicine we have works so well? That's why Medicare is going broke...because they were successful. Get real! I am continuously fascinated by how little facts matter and how much people think their "beliefs" will make things magically happen. You cannot construct reality, it exists irregardless of your mind. Medicare and Social Security suck! Government run programs are run by people who have no buy-in and there is no expectation for them to be profitable. I know some Americans hate that word, profit, but it is the only guarantee of success. If you think otherwise you have a hard lesson to learn, and believe me you keep it up, that lesson is coming and it's going to hurt.
According to this article there may be a "solution" to our retirement woes. You want to know what it is? Make sure you are sitting before you read further. Ross Eisenberry, VP of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), suggests that we should just confiscate all existing 401Ks and IRAs and roll them into a government pension program. Yes, that's right, because you and I are too stupid to handle our own retirement, we should just let the government and their successful money management skills have all of our privately invested dough. That's why this country is $56 trillion (I am including Social Security) in debt and climbing like a rocket.
I am about sick and tired of the arrogance on the left in this country. You have no right to touch my money and force me into financial slavery to others. The only reason there is any problem at all with our retirement accounts is because you keep ramming failed ideas down our throat. I don't know if you realize it or not but we have been trying your policies for years and they are not working. Don't agree? Then please tell me just why in the world Social Security and Medicare are failing. Bet you don't have an answer.
If our "leaders," I use the term loosely, even consider something like this they should be removed from office. Of course a lot of them should be removed now for some of their actions. Don't think for a minute this can't happen. After what we have seen in the first 100+ days of this President and Congress, the sky is the limit. This is the change we can all believe in.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Senator Luann Ridgeway Capitol Report 5/11/2009
As this session of the 2009 Legislative Session winds down, it will be thought of as a session of roller coaster rides up and down --- every day brought sudden changes in different directions. The session started with a forecast of over an $800 million deficit in our state budget.
Then glides in the Christmas sleigh without Santa Claus, but with the red, white and blue suit of Uncle Sam bringing billions of dollars worth of presents for all the good states of America to help with the their wish lists. It doesn’t matter that Uncle Sam doesn’t have the money, but had to print it or borrow it from China and other countries that don’t really like us --- never-the-less, it still spends like real money.
It is almost like Uncle Sam wants the states of America to have the same spending and deficit problems as our federal government. (Rarely does a drunk like to drink alone.) Instead of a balanced budget, spending what you have and living within your means, the federal government wants to turn the states into fifty little federal governments that overspend and pile more and more debt upon the next generation of American kids. This will do nothing more than make our states more dependent upon the federal government and its string-tied money and make the state legislatures less and less in control of state issues.
When I was young, my mom and dad tried to keep me away from people that had bad habits, because the bad habits could wear off and have negative effects on my upbringing. Our state government has been in partnership with the federal government almost since our birth as a state. The founders of our state wisely put the requirement for a balanced budget in our state constitution. My grandma used to say, “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”
The problem with being in partnership with the federal government is that we will never be able to keep up with them in spending, because we have to pay our bills ourselves every year and are unable to pass these bills on to our children and other generations to pay.
What I have found is that when government comes in and shows compassion upon one special interest, it is at the expense of other special interests as well as the taxpayers. And remember, Government only shows compassion with money. That’s our money or money borrowed that our children will have to pay back. One example of this federal spending spree is a $550,000 earmark for aquaculture that is in the Federal Stimulus bill and is earmarked to the state of Missouri.
If you remember a year ago, high feed prices put a burden on all of our farmers across the state. A contributing factor to this was the favoritism our government showed toward corn growers by passing an ethanol mandate. This government policy helped one segment of agriculture but hurt agriculture as a whole. And it drove food prices up as well
These stimulus funds are earmarked to go to the seventy aqua-farmers across the state and are described to help these farmers recover from the high feeds costs of 2007-08. What about the dairy farmer, the beef farmer, the pig, horse, goat, chicken and turkey farmers that were hurt by these policies? Their tax dollars are being used to lift up another special interest group at the expense of others.
This is a great example of having a lobbyist in place at the right time to talk to the right politician to get a special favor for a special industry at the expense of the taxpayers as a whole.
The real role of government is to set the rules for everyone to compete on a level playing field and allow everyone to compete in the free market system --- not to pick winners and losers based upon who has the best lobbyist.
I did find one program in the federal bill that is paid for by the taxpayer that truly is pork. In the budget is $200,000 to eliminate the feral pigs in the state of Missouri. At least this is the type of pork a person can get their hands on.
As always, Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at (573) 751-2547. You may write to me at Senator Luann Ridgeway; Missouri Senate; State Capitol; Jefferson City, MO 65101, or email me at:
Monday, May 11, 2009
Straight Talk With Sam Graves 5/11/2009
A life sentence is something that most of us hope to avoid. However, for judges, a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is the ultimate job in the legal world. Earlier this month, Supreme Court Justice David Souter announced that he will retire from the Court at the end of this term. The President will nominate a new Justice to be confirmed by the Senate and seated by October.
Our Founding Fathers gave federal judges a lifetime appointment for a very specific reason: they wanted judges to be free from the pressures of elective office. We want Judges who are focused on the law, not on partisan politics.
I hope the President will pick someone who will not bring an agenda or partisan ideology to the bench. I believe judges should simply interpret the law, not make the law from the bench. The Supreme Court is often the last defender of individual rights.
In recent years, the Court has split 5 to 4 on decisions that have a major effect on our rights. In 2008, the Court cited the Second Amendment in striking down a District of Columbia gun law. The landmark decision reaffirmed gun ownership as an individual right.
A lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is not a decision that any President should take lightly. The President must make sure that his nominee understands the important responsibilities that are entrusted to the Court. He must also understand that role of any Judge is to follow the law, not make it.
Sam Graves
Mr. Graves I wholeheartedly agree!
Doug Ervin on Healthcare
Here is what I asked:
I am trying to figure this out. I thought HB 11 expanded socialized medicine at the state level. If this is true why did you vote for it? The reason I ask is because I can't translate the legal language that is written into the perfected form of the bill. It appears to me to be an expansion. If I am wrong please correct me.
Here is what he said in response:
Dear Andrew,
There were two votes last week. The first was the House’s rejection of the Governor’s straight welfare expansion which the Senate agreed. The second vote was after the House successfully killed the Governor’s welfare expansion. The monies that remain appropriated in the budget would be for a coverage program established in SB306. I am the House handler for this bill and the language in the bill is mine. We have a divergence of thought about what a coverage program should be, if we should have one, and, if so, what population should be assisted.
My position is this: no expansion should be made unless we can pass transparency legislation and that expansion should be limited to the uninsurable, be subject to appropriation, and be limited in scope. I will not accept an entitlement, which is what the original SB306 would be. The population I am targeting is the uninsurable defined as those who have pre-existing conditions, who cannot be medically underwritten, don’t have a group health plan available to them through their employer, and they make too much money to be on welfare. In short, this is a population with no alternatives for coverage if they can’t afford a policy through the high risk pool which is very expensive and it is a population that we know has health problems and are more likely to contribute to uncompensated care through the emergency room.
The underlying issue is uncompensated care, not the uninsured. We don’t have an uninsured crisis in Missouri. There is a lot to this, but I would be happy to explain further if necessary.
I appreciate Representative Ervin's willingness to respond.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Missouri Delays Tax Refunds
Missouri: State delays tax refunds, borrows cash
Due to the fact that revenues are decreasing the state has run into a bit of a financial pinch over the last month or so. I am so glad they have made sure that the public has been informed on this fact. According to the article dated April 6th the state had to borrow from it's cash reserves to pay bills and other things, like public employees and schools. It also mentions the fact that many state refunds are being delayed because of cash flow issues and the fact that the state downsized the workforce that processes tax refunds. I have never seen more of a need for a different approach to taxes than this. Call your state senator today and tell them to support HJR 36 a constitutional amendment replacing individual and corporate income tax and sales and use tax with a sales tax on retail sales of new tangible property and taxable services.
Friday, May 8, 2009
I wasn't told, and then I was told, or was it I was told but not the whole story

Interrogation has become a large issue of late and ole' Nancy can't seem to remember just what she was told. First it was she wasn't told at all by those "evil" people in the Bush administration. It seems her memory was jarred this week when CIA records were released that showed that Pelosi was briefed in September 2002. Nancy quickly changed course and remembered that she was briefed but, "We were not -- I repeat -- were not told that water boarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used." There is this pesky thing called a record and a CIA memo from September 4, 2002 shows the official record of the briefings discussing "enhanced interrogation techniques."
Wow! Can it be more obvious that she is lying? Just more Change, right? Something we all can believe in, right? If you are to stupid to remember what and what you weren't briefed on, especially when it has to do with national security, you have no business spending my money! You have no right to make decisions that affect the lives of American men and women sent abroad to protect your freedom to make those decisions.
When are Americans going to wake up? Actions by absolute imbeciles like Nancy Pelosi have real consequences. If you are willing to use something as dangerous as national security to play politics, you are truly a threat to this nation. I mean this when I say it, Nancy Pelosi is an enemy of this nation and every American. The fact that she has the ability to write legislation and affect your life should scare you half to death as well.
On a more lighter side, Nancy has a great new exercise video out for you.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happenings in healthcare at the state level
Lawmakers debate expanding healthcare coverage
I say no! No more expansion of socialized medicine. No on HB 11. It really is too bad that there are those that can't provide their own healthcare, but it is not my responsibility to take care of them. They had a free education for 13 years out of their life and the fact that they couldn't figure out they were going to be adults with adult responsibilities is not my fault.
I also say no to something else the article is talking about. Mr. Ervin wants to expand the role of the state for those that cannot get healthcare because of the nature of their condition. Once again, this is not my burden either. There is one guarantee in life, it's death. I am not going to prolong yours. I know the argument, don' waste your time on it if you wish. I would feel the same if it was me, my wife, or my siblings. I have fully accepted the fact that I might not be here tomorrow and if I don't take care of myself properly, I will not be here.
The problem is that the insurance companies are not stupid. If you provide for them a vessel to remove customers from their books because you want to pay for it, they are going to continue to deem more and more people uninsurable and put them on the public's shoulders. Healthcare is a personal responsibility.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Missouri Senate to vote on Fair Tax proposal
For further information the Americans For Prosperity have a video on their website.
Straight Talk With Sam Graves 5/4/2009
H.R. 45 is the Latest Attempt at Gun Control
In 1789, James Madison drafted the first ten amendments to our Constitution. There were actually 12 of them, but only 10 amendments were ratified in 1791. Among them was the second amendment which stated: “A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Every session, someone in Congress proposes weakening the rights of gun owners. Those attempts have failed repeatedly. They have failed because taking away people’s rights is never the answer. However, we must be vigilant because those attempts have not stopped.
The latest attempt is H.R. 45, introduced by Congressman Bobby Rush of Chicago. This bill is an attempt to create a national registry for guns. This registry would not just apply to new gun purchases, but also to firearms that you already own.
I do not believe that the federal government should make a national registry of guns. Those who would use guns for illegal purposes are unlikely to register them. Therefore, a registry would only serve as a way for the government to infringe upon the rights of those who legally own firearms.
I believe in the Bill of Rights. Congress should not weaken any of the Amendments to the Constitution. The right to keep and bear arms is as fundamental as the right to free speech.
I will fight to make sure that H.R. 45 never sees the light of day. Missourians have a right to keep and bear arms.
Sam Graves
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Senator Ridgeway Capitol Report 4/28/2009
Ridgeway Proposes Largest Tax Decrease in Missouri History
“The difference between death and taxes is death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”-Mark Twain
I have now served in the Missouri Senate for nearly 5 legislative years. When you add that to my 10 years of service in the Missouri House, I have gathered some experience that I think is pretty reliable about the nature of government. If there is anything I have learned through observation and experience is that there is a constant drumbeat in the halls of government – and the drumbeat is for “MORE”.
“More of what?”, you may ask. My reply is simple: More money; More power; More laws and regulations governing our lives.
Since 1990, our Missouri budget has grown from around $7.5 Billion to proposals this year exceeding $23 Billion. In other words, in less than 20 years, Missouri is spending almost 3 times what we were spending less than 20 years ago. It took us from when we became a state in 1821 until 1990 (169 years) to grow into a $7.5 Billion budget. But in less than 20 years, we have nearly tripled our spending.
The number of laws has similarly grown. From Missouri’s beginning in 1821 to 1959, we had accumulated only about 4 volumes of statutes, which if you stacked the books up, would only amount to about 9 inches of printed laws. Today, we have over 25 volumes of statues, which if you stacked the books up, would amount to nearly 50 inches of printed laws.
Here’s the important question: With all the spending and new laws, are we any better off as a state since 1959, or 1990?
I’m not saying that all of our government growth has been bad. For example, increased spending and support for the poorest and most needful among us, such as the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled, has helped improve their quality of life. However, the fact remains that much of our spending and many laws are nothing more than designer legislation that benefits a select few at the expense of many.
Missouri is losing population, which will likely result in us losing one of our current 9 member delegation to the U.S. Congress. The loss of this seat lessens Missouri’s voice in Washington D.C. Why are people leaving Missouri? Many factors may influence the decision to move such as proximity to family, climate and quality of life. As Representative Doug Ervin recently wrote: “Of the 12 top states netting new residents, eight of them do not have a state income tax. Those on the Left would tell us that people are willing to pay more taxes to get better government services, but the migration patterns strongly suggest otherwise. Interestingly, the people who tend to be the most mobile, tend to be the most educated and motivated, or to put it bluntly, are taxpayers – tax them too much and they may not be here in the future to tax at all.”
The power to tax is a formidable power. Money is the main engine that feeds government growth. Therefore, I have proposed to put our Missouri government on a diet by proposing the largest tax decrease in Missouri history.
I have sponsored an amendment to reduce Missouri’s income tax from 6% to 5%. The amendment is to Senate Substitute for HB 191 that is currently up for debate in the Missouri Senate. HB 191 has passed the House without any broad based tax decrease proposals. If adopted, my tax decrease plan would be phased in over a 10 year period. When fully implemented, my proposed tax cut would put over one billion dollars back into the hands of Missourians. This is reform that is permanent and predictable.
I’m happy to know that I’m not the only legislator proposing tax decreases at this time. Our sour economy will not be turned around by more government and more spending. Rather, we grow opportunity and the economy by lessening the tax burden.
Other proposals include complete removal of Missouri’s income tax and replacing it with the Fair Tax. This means that our income tax would be eliminated and replaced with a statewide sales tax of 5.11%. The Fair Tax is in HJR 36, which is in the form of a constitutional amendment and would require approval by the voters to become effective. HJR36 has not yet been debated in the Senate.
A tax cut targeted at removing the tax on all military retirement pay is contained in HB 82. The bill allows 15% deduction on any military retirement income per year until 2016 when the deduction would be fully phased-in. This is especially important for keeping our military retirees from fleeing to other states, including Kansas, which already exempts all military retirement pay from state income taxation.
There are other tax cut proposals which would increase the amount of federal taxes you can deduct from your Missouri taxable income. If you recall, in the early 1990’s, Governor Carnahan passed the largest tax increase in Missouri by cutting off the ability of Missouri taxpayers from deducting all taxes paid to the federal government. This means that many Missourians are now paying taxes on taxes already paid to the U.S. government – in other words, paying double taxation. HB 64 & 545 contains provisions to eliminate this double taxation for most Missouri taxpayers.
There are also proposals to eliminate taxes on Missouri businesses, which includes elimination of the corporate franchise tax and the corporate income tax.
I support the broad-based tax cuts that impact the greatest number of Missourians with income subject to taxation. Your opinion counts! Let me know your thoughts on the tax-cut proposals discussed in this report.
As always, Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at (573) 751-2547. You may write to me at Senator Luann Ridgeway; Missouri Senate; State Capitol; Jefferson City, MO 65101, or email me at:
Vote Obama King in...2016?
I want to be fair here but apparentally the idiot has proposed this in past congressional sessions. But would you believe H. J. Res. 6 was proposed on the 6th of January of this year?! This demonstrates just how stupid some of the people are that currently serve in the United States congress. Imagine what could happen, there is a lot of emotion and a lot of risk with this President. Obama is this two bit nothing, that has never ran anything in his life. The main reason he was elected is because people were sorely misinformed on politics and what he really is. I know this would require Obama to actually win reelection in 2012 but don't fool yourself for a second. There is enough people in this country that could rationalize this clown being elected President again...and again.
The bill is currently tabled and is sitting before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. Let's just hope that no one cosponsors this legislation and that it stays right where it is. Realistically one might say that this bill would never be truly considered. One would have realistically said 12 months ago that we would have never nationalized auto companies either. We can now say that has happened.
If this does not bother you just a little I really don't know what to tell you. Other than your brain is not operating at full capacity. You need to know about this and so does everyone that you work with and know. What would be really nice is that the media actually reported on legislation that was proposed so that we could know about this stuff sooner than 4 months after it happens.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Things You Learn Sitting In a National Tire and Battery Waiting Room
Me, my car, and a ditch all had an unfriendly and untimely meeting at about 7:30 PM. Unfortunately the ditch won. So I put on the little fake tire and hustled back to my local NTB here in Liberty to see what they could do for me. Now I didn't get to the store until 8:40 PM and it's a Friday night so I expected to maybe get the car looked at and come back in the morning. They close at 9:00 PM. To my pleasant surprise, this was not the case. If you live in the Liberty area and you need tires or something closely related please go there, you won't be disappointed! Larry is the store manager at this NTB and let me tell the man is a breath of fresh air. He was more than happy to keep his guys to work on the car, wanted my business, and expected no less of himself.
I have dealt with Larry before and he is one of those people that want to earn your business and know what it takes to do the right thing. I spent several minutes talking to him, this guy is a working machine. He manages and or helps manage 15 different stores (Indep., Olathe, and other area stores), flies all over the country training other stores, and is basically on track to be a district manager for the company. By all assumptions, without asking, I would venture to say he probably makes over $250,000 a year. To make that kind of money he works close to 80 hours a week. But by our Presidents calculations and many that voted for our President this man is an evil rich person who needs to pay more in taxes.
I am sitting in the lobby going through the available reading material in the lounge and happen to come upon a recent copy of Metal Hammer magazine. Now, I had never seen this rag before and frankly would be happy to never see it again. You see it's a magazine that reports on Heavy Metal bands. Out of curiosity I started thumbing through the pages and was a little taken back by what I saw. First you find the f-word about every other paragraph. Second, I especially thought highly of their advertising section. Did you know that you can receive pornography on your cell phone now, and there is more than one company that will provide it to you? (I hope you realize that was sarcasm.) But the thing that topped it off was the results of the readers poll. The Hero of 2008 according to the losers that read Metal Hammer magazine is none other than, Mr. President himself, Barack Obama! Everyone give him a hand he beat out wonderful competitors like Corey Taylor of Slipknot, James Hetfield of Metallica and even Batman. Who is Slipknot you say? Well here I thought we would have a musical timeout in this blog post for one of their songs. Everyone sing it with me now "F*** this World!"
F*** it all!
F*** this world!
F*** everything that you stand for!
Don't belong! Don't exist!
Don't give a s***!
Don't ever judge me!
And don't you f******* touch me!
You got all my love, livin' in your own hate
Drippin' hole man, hard step, no fate
Show you nuthin', but I ain't holdin' back
Every damn word I say is a sneak attack
When I get my hands on you
Ain't a f****** thing you can do
Get this cuz you're never gonna get me I am the very disease you pretend to be
Slipknot alone has sold over 5 MILLION albums in the US and has had three albums go platinum. Way to go Barry! You have been nominated as the Hero of 2008 by those that think this stuff is entertainment. It's not a subsection of the population anymore, this is becoming mainstream.
Well, I did the responsible thing and challenged Larry about the fact that this magazine was laying around, he wasn't aware it was sitting in his lounge either and quickly disposed of it. Folks I don't know if you get this yet, but we got a problem here. Now I am not saying that all Barack Obama supporters are heavy metal loving moral degenerates but I am saying that you should be concerned about the fact that you support the same candidate as these people. Do you realize why this candidate appeals to people that think with this mindset? Wake up, it's not about helping people anymore. Your good intentioned heart has poisoned this country with a cult of irresponsibility and dependency. This is not the 1930s, 40s, and 50s.
These people voted for this candidate because they perceive harm from the Larry's of the world. This is not right! Larry is a good person, married, has two kids, you know he told me his goal right now is just to be debt free except for his house. Instead you want to subjugate him to these people so they can keep buying their Slipknot CDs and living off of you and me. Wake up America we are going to fail if we keep this up!!!!!! In many ways we already have.