Monday, May 4, 2009

Missouri Senate to vote on Fair Tax proposal

All Missourians should call their state senator's office and ask for them to support HJR 36. This is a proposal for a constitutional amendment to the Missouri constitution to eliminate the state income tax and replace it with a 5.11% state sales tax. This would promote wealth in our state and put the State government in check for any future spending. It has already passed the state house and currently is in committee in the Senate. This would be a great help to many citizens of our great state as we move forward into this coming fiscal disaster that is Obama and the Democrats.

For further information the Americans For Prosperity have a video on their website.


  1. I love the idea of fair tax, but did you read my tax proposal over at As long as politicians believe they have the authority to spend our money to buy votes by acquiring earmarks for their districts, or other social engineering projects, they will continuously find ways to get more of our money... if they were only allowed to spend taxes on infrastructure and law enforcement, but require us to use a portion of our income on whichever cause we support, we will nearly end polarization because none of our money will go to support an idea we don't believe in.

  2. I did, my only concern with your idea is that if someone doesn't want to donate their own money to anyone they shouldn't be required to. I believe in helping other people out, but one's own house must be in order first. Plus just throwing money at problems never really solves them. Telling them that they have to donate to some charity is no different than forcibly taking money from them. That's the foundation of freedom, free will. Allow people to make their own choices with their own money like big people.

  3. Yes, but like education and health, it is in the public's best interest to help people who need help... because when nothing is done, it is easier for authoritarians to come along and convince people that only The Government can make people help.

    We paid about 6% of our income in taxes this year. I would have happily paid MORE if I got to choose how it was spent.

    We're allowing politicians to buy votes with our money and polarize the country by CREATING PROBLEMS over the ever expanding pot of cash they're skimming.

    So if the charity you donated to was something that you directly benefitted from, that would be fine with me.
