Interrogation has become a large issue of late and ole' Nancy can't seem to remember just what she was told. First it was she wasn't told at all by those "evil" people in the Bush administration. It seems her memory was jarred this week when CIA records were released that showed that Pelosi was briefed in September 2002. Nancy quickly changed course and remembered that she was briefed but, "We were not -- I repeat -- were not told that water boarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used." There is this pesky thing called a record and a CIA memo from September 4, 2002 shows the official record of the briefings discussing "enhanced interrogation techniques."
Wow! Can it be more obvious that she is lying? Just more Change, right? Something we all can believe in, right? If you are to stupid to remember what and what you weren't briefed on, especially when it has to do with national security, you have no business spending my money! You have no right to make decisions that affect the lives of American men and women sent abroad to protect your freedom to make those decisions.
When are Americans going to wake up? Actions by absolute imbeciles like Nancy Pelosi have real consequences. If you are willing to use something as dangerous as national security to play politics, you are truly a threat to this nation. I mean this when I say it, Nancy Pelosi is an enemy of this nation and every American. The fact that she has the ability to write legislation and affect your life should scare you half to death as well.
On a more lighter side, Nancy has a great new exercise video out for you.
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