For those of you paying attention yesterday, the Federal government announced that Social Security and Medicare are even worse off than was previously suspected. If you didn't catch the report, here is the Cliff Notes version. Social Security will pay out more than it takes in starting in 2016 and will be insolvent in 2037. Medicare starts to pay out more than it takes in next year and will be insolvent in 2017.
The fascinating thing to me is that the Dems and Obama want to actually create more socialized medicine. Why? Because the existing socialized medicine we have works so well? That's why Medicare is going broke...because they were successful. Get real! I am continuously fascinated by how little facts matter and how much people think their "beliefs" will make things magically happen. You cannot construct reality, it exists irregardless of your mind. Medicare and Social Security suck! Government run programs are run by people who have no buy-in and there is no expectation for them to be profitable. I know some Americans hate that word, profit, but it is the only guarantee of success. If you think otherwise you have a hard lesson to learn, and believe me you keep it up, that lesson is coming and it's going to hurt.
According to this article there may be a "solution" to our retirement woes. You want to know what it is? Make sure you are sitting before you read further. Ross Eisenberry, VP of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), suggests that we should just confiscate all existing 401Ks and IRAs and roll them into a government pension program. Yes, that's right, because you and I are too stupid to handle our own retirement, we should just let the government and their successful money management skills have all of our privately invested dough. That's why this country is $56 trillion (I am including Social Security) in debt and climbing like a rocket.
I am about sick and tired of the arrogance on the left in this country. You have no right to touch my money and force me into financial slavery to others. The only reason there is any problem at all with our retirement accounts is because you keep ramming failed ideas down our throat. I don't know if you realize it or not but we have been trying your policies for years and they are not working. Don't agree? Then please tell me just why in the world Social Security and Medicare are failing. Bet you don't have an answer.
If our "leaders," I use the term loosely, even consider something like this they should be removed from office. Of course a lot of them should be removed now for some of their actions. Don't think for a minute this can't happen. After what we have seen in the first 100+ days of this President and Congress, the sky is the limit. This is the change we can all believe in.
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9 years ago
My wife's family is conservative catholic, but many of them are union members, and I can't say a bad thing about union leadership at all. I tried to explain to them that pensions suck, and are a large reason why the auto industry is effed... I even conceded the CEOs should never have agreed to the pensions, but they would hear nothing of it.