In breaking news, to celebrate all that our legislators did: Free cake in the Governor's office. Not really guess they were just happy to be done. (Picture Christian Gooden/P-D)
Doug Ervin: As of Friday we have been saved from the Democrats obligating us to 35,000 uninsured Missourians and the Republicans obligating us to 20,000 that cannot get health care because of preexisting conditions. The 2009 legislative session has ended. http://www.columbiamissourian.com/stories/2009/05/16/hopes-health-care-legislation-end-session/
Ryan Silvey: Watch as the lawmakers cry about not getting their part of the stimulus pie. http://lakeexpo.com/articles/2009/05/15/top_news/13.txt
Tim Flook: End of session wrap-up. http://www.komu.com/satellite/SatelliteRender/KOMU.com/ba8a4513-c0a8-2f11-0063-9bd94c70b769/455e423c-80ce-0971-0147-ca59d4d4fc8f
Great article on the end of session legislation that passed both House and Senate http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/politics/story/32FF6554E2FAC442862575B8000C9D4C?OpenDocument
"Invest in Missouri" bill passes both house and senate and await the signature of the mayor. http://www.missourinet.com/gestalt/go.cfm?objectid=12831256-5056-B82A-37D7A56548E05BB7
Jobs bill passes the House and Senate, supposedly to "create" 2,000-5,000 jobs here in the state. I always worry when both parties are in such large agreement and we are proclaiming jobs created before their even created. http://www.missourinet.com/gestalt/go.cfm?objectid=12831256-5056-B82A-37D7A56548E05BB7
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