I seriously think that Claire McCaskill is related to Joe Biden. The woman is consistently off base and says some things that are blatantly ignorant. Michelle Malkin wrote a great column Wednesday that describes this more in detail. The column revolved around the great Latina hope Judge Sonia Sotomayor. If you haven't heard the woman has a compelling (or choose one of a dozen other adjectives) personal story. I am sorry, but I am about ready to scream. So do millions of other Americans of all races, some may find this hard to believe, but even white people too. All white people don't belong to country clubs and make millions of dollars. These people have overcome amazing hurdles in their lives to accomplish great things. Clarence Thomas is one that comes to mind. You may have forgotten how the Democrats tried to filet him like a fish when he was nominated to the court. Why, well he was a conservative, an unworthy racial minority.
I found this part of the Malkin column the most intriguing. McCaskill was on Fox News the other morning to talk about Sonia Sotomayor. For those that are not following this closely Sotomayor has made one comment that really has people upset, me included. She said in a 2001 statement at UC-Berkeley: ""I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
I am not quite sure what exactly that is supposed to mean, but your ethnic heritage is not necessarily going to qualify you to make any sort of wise decision. If you really want to analyze the reality of this statement further, I would be even more fearful of any judge that wears their ethnicity on their sleeve as a qualification to make any sort of decision. Those that have been paying attention the last thirty years realize that minorities in this society are repetitively told that they cannot get ahead and the only way that they can get ahead is if they support those on the left who are going to level the playing field for them. Look no playing field is perfectly level in any culture around the world. It just doesn't work that way. I am not saying as rational human beings we shouldn't work to make things more equal. Turning those that trully need help into helpless victims who can't escape because the color of their skin is worse than any intentional racist behavior. It's manipulative, it's psychological, and it creates more harm.
McCaskill, never one to disappoint came through in usual flying colors on this one. I had often suspected that there was more to this comment and low and behold there is. According to McCaskill the statement is out of context. For those less attentive, anytime a liberal is lying or trying to spin something they bring out the context defense. To the average person this makes sense because politics is often a game of taking things out of context. I don't think liberals ever learned the concept of context in grade school and middle school. Oh, so, what's the context you ask?
Here is your context: "Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice [Sandra Day] O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases.... I am... not so sure that I agree with the statement. First... there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
Her words prove that she is incapable of impartial jurisprudence. Law is not gendered or colored, it's law. If you can't look past your own racial views then you do not deserve to dawn a robe in a county court, forget the Supreme Court. The human mind is capable of using logic and ignoring race. It's really not that hard.
You do realize her words stereotype white males into an inability to make fair and impartial decisions. I am severely offended by that statement. She has no right to make comments like this. A judge must be capable of understanding all perspectives but knowing that his/her decision boils down to the law and a fair treatment of all races and genders before that law.
In the same speech she went even further to say that for judges to be impartial is an "aspiration because it denies the fact that we are by our experiences making different choices than others." (Stuart Taylor, National Journal, 5/23/2009). An aspiration, why in the world even have the damn law! If you can't determine what the law is because of your own racial background you really are feeble minded.
Judges should not be empathetic, that's not their job. That's what we have lawyers for. Mr. Obama has further demonstrated his willingness to cast this society in his image in what he wants to see. Are you shocked? Let us not forget that this man sat in a church of 20 years where a racist pastor, Jeremiah Wright, spewed racial hatred to his parishioners. Racial hatred that was intentionally directed at whites and the United States government. Mr. Obama was never fit to be President of this nation and he is proving his ineptness on a daily basis. It's no wonder that Ms. McCaskill makes a good little lap dog for this administration.
Follow my campaign.
9 years ago
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